Monday, August 1

What is Tyrannosaurus rex, sp. nov. homo? 2005 July 26. This is a newly discovered species (species novum), classified as human (homo), of the type of tyrant kings (or would-be kings) who disagree with each other but who agree on one thing: They want their head of state out (finished, kaput, done, history), and who think and act like they are above the law. Remember Aesop’s fables; so what’s the cautionary tale now? Aesop says, ‘Any excuse will serve a tyrant.’ This is especially applicable, though not exclusively, to the case of Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo whom a union of oppositionists, a cluster of conspirators, and a motley of media people for two months now have been circling for the kill. The Compuser’s Dictionary


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