Can anything good come
from the opposition?
Those whose fondest wish is for Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo to resign or be removed from being President of the Philippines can do better than fantasize. By opposition I mean those who would have nothing to do with GMA (including those media warriors who profess objectivity) and do not see that their politics of distraction & deconstruction punishes their countrymen - as well as insults the intelligence of the Filipino people. To those ladies & gentlemen who think highly of themselves, I recommend that they go and listen to Steven Curtis Chapman this Sunday, 7 May 7 PM at the PICC and get their politics right. Steven tells David Kuo in an interview (beliefnet.com):
'You know, ultimately politics isn't going to provide the answers. There is certainly a great opportunity for those in powerful positions to make a change for positive things. But as I've said before in 'Heaven In The Real World,' the answers don't lie in the right laws or the right legislation or even the right people in office. Ultimately, our hope is the hope of God's power at work evident in the lives of those who claim to be his followers and believers.'
Amen to all that!
30 April 2006
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