Adopt a miracle!
When a family adopts, it's the mother who is the most excited, and the most worried. That's because she feels she is the one who is mainly responsible for bringing up that child. Such feeling, if not knowledge, comes naturally, biologically, psychologically. The childless couple feel unfulfilled if they cannot bring up a child into the world; the family who love themselves enough not to be threatened with the coming of a new member feel fulfilled that they have become a bigger family, an extended family. But the mother has angst.
Steven Curtis Chapman, talks about the qualms, saying (Ashli O’Connell, 22 January 2006, tpe.ag.org/):
'My wife can relate to a lot of the fears that adoptive mothers struggle with - can I really love this child as much as I love my biological children. She says she can't believe the miracle that took place the day the girls were placed in her arms. God supernaturally creates a family in the same way He makes us a part of His family. That's why it's such a miracle.'
Go ahead, adopt a miracle!
1 May 2006
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