The Zero Challenge
To Steven Curtis Chapman
Steven Curtis Chapman has in my list (check out the link below) more than 150 songs with complete lyrics, the most number compared to all the websites I have seen, and they are legion. The songs are on many different subjects, and they make a good study by themselves as literature in song. Isn't he the Emily Dickinson of song? I have written a 'crazily long and rambling article' (in the eyes of Kristine Steakley, who herself has a crazily long title for a blogsite) on Steven Curtis Chapman ('The Gospel Whisperer,' American Chronicle; check out the link below), so I have seen how good he is, and how inventive, ingenious, inspired. I would like to say Steven's range of reach goes from A to Z, but I can't: He doesn't have a song with a title that begins with the letter Z (not to mention X). So here's my Zero Challenge to Steven: Compose a song about Zero. What about zero? I leave the songwriter in Steven in peace. I have faith that he will come up with something good, something very good, even excellent, beginning with Zero and ending way beyond. The possibilities are endless, stretching to infinity.
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