The Ten Commandments Of Creativity
I am the Word, your Good; you shall have strange Goods before me. Think about nothing and everything: Allowing the flitting in the mind of strange words or worlds is the beginning of creativity, the key to it. You do not have to be crazy but it works!
You shall not take the name of your Goods in vain. All words are good: fantastic science fiction writer Ray Bradbury’s success using his technique of word association is an expression of that. Creativity is giving meaning to any number of relationships among any number of words and ideas, even when you know there isn’t – at first glance.
You shall keep the Sabbath holy. Take time out. ‘The time to relax is when you do not have time for it.’
Honor your father and your mother. Learn from your elders, from those with experience, even or especially from those with different ideas.
You shall not kill. Never say no to any idea, no matter how preposterous or absurd. Turn every negative into a positive. Look at the bright side of things.
You shall not commit adultery. Be pure in intentions. If you are not, you will never ever reach and travel the nirvana of creativity.
You shall not steal. Do not give in to temptation: Do not plagiarize.
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. Creativity is your gift from God; what you do with it is your gift to Him. Do not misuse your creativity and invent whatever to destroy others.
You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife. It is good to be married to a dream. If others are married to theirs, let them be; if they are not, show them how. With creativity, let the best wife win!
You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods. Creativity is not a license for badness. Do not invent whatever to make yourself richer at the expense of other people. Do not create for others what you do not want others to create for you.
Another world’s first: The Ten Commandments of Creativity according to Frank A Hilario, a Filipino and Roman Catholic. Brainstormed, written and rewritten on a virtual tablet of stone in Los Baños on the 30th of August 2005.